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Adding Empirical potentials

If you have access to the source, it is possible to add a new formulation for an empirical potential easily. The idea of the module is that this should be trivial even to a beginner programmer with no expert knowledge of Fortran.

A summary of how to do this is in the header of the pair_pot.f90 source, a more in-depth description is below.

Setting up parameters

First we need to make the pair_pot_type aware of your potential. There are several key things we need to update in order to use our potential. First, we need to update the number of potentials our code is looking for:

integer, parameter :: num_pot = 9
integer, parameter :: num_pot = 10

Next we need to tell the code what our potential's keyword is and its internal ID. This will be the highest number which isn't occupied. (NOTE: Keywords have to have a length of 4 characters and must be padded with spaces to this length):

integer :: lj=1,buck=2,coul=3,dz=4,pol=5,bb=6,bs=7,sw=8,mors=9
character(len=4), dimension(num_pot) :: name = &
    & ['LJ  ','BUCK','COUL','DZ  ','POL ','BB  ','BS  ','SW  ','MORS']
integer :: lj=1,buck=2,coul=3,dz=4,pol=5,bb=6,bs=7,sw=8,mors=9,new=10
character(len=4), dimension(num_pot) :: name = &
    & ['LJ  ','BUCK','COUL','DZ  ','POL ','BB  ','BS  ','SW  ','MORS','NEW ']

We then need to add the parameters that our potential will use to the pair_pot_type. The style of these parameters should be:

  • The variable name should be the keyword of your potential followed by an underscore, followed by the name or symbol for the parameter.

  • They should be of type real(kind=dp).

  • They should be allocatable, and of dimensions equivalent to the number of particles involved in the interaction (i.e. 2-body \Rightarrow{} dimension(:,:); 3-body \Rightarrow{} dimension(:,:,:)).

  • They should have a comment describing the full name and form of your potential.

  • It is also important to note that Fortran is case-insensitive, meaning it does not distinguish between upper and lower cases in variable names.

    !New example potential of the form b*exp(rij^-qi)*exp(rik^-qi) + (cos(rijk) - cos(s))
    real(kind=dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: new_q
    real(kind=dp), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: new_b
    real(kind=dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: new_s

We should now go into pair_pot_print and add our potential to the 1- and 2- (and possibly 3-)body sections of the potential printing. This is of the form:

  • 1-Body

    if (pair_pot%pot_present(pair_pot%new)) then
       write(unit_out, 103) pre_str, 'r', pair_pot%cut_off(pair_pot%new, 1, 1), 'NEW'
       write(unit_out, 103) pre_str, 'q', pair_pot%new_q(1, 1), 'NEW'
    end if
  • 2-Body

    if (pair_pot%pot_present(pair_pot%new)) then
       write(unit_out, 202) pre_str, 'r', pair_pot_print_combinations(pair_pot%cut_off(pair_pot%new, :, :), ispec, jspec), 'NEW'
       write(unit_out, 202) pre_str, 'b', pair_pot_print_combinations(pair_pot%new_b, ispec, jspec), 'NEW'
    end if
  • 3-Body

    if (pair_pot%pot_present(pair_pot%new)) then
       write(unit_out, 301) pre_str, ispec_name, jspec_name, kspec_name
       write(unit_out, 103) pre_str, 'S', pair_pot%new_s(ispec, jspec, kspec), 'NEW'
    end if

And with that we should be done with setting up our potential in pair_pot_type, things like cut-off and the activation of the potential are handled automatically based on the potential keyword, although for some specialised potentials advanced rules can be necessary.

Allocation and deallocation

It is important in Fortran to ensure that our parameter arrays are allocated. We need to go into the routine pair_pot_allocate and add our new parameters to it. For our example potential, the syntax is as follows:

if (pair_pot%pot_present(pair_pot%new)
   if (ierr .ne. 0) call io_allocate_abort('new_q','pair_pot_allocate')
   if (ierr .ne. 0) call io_allocate_abort('new_b','pair_pot_allocate')
   if (ierr .ne. 0) call io_allocate_abort('new_s','pair_pot_allocate')
end if

We also need to do the same for cleaning up our potential at the end, in the routine pair_pot_deallocate:

if (allocated(pair_pot%new_q)) then
   deallocate(pair_pot%new_q, stat=ierr)
   if ( call io_abort('Error deallocating new_q in pair_pot_deallocate')
end if
if (allocated(pair_pot%new_b)) then
   deallocate(pair_pot%new_b, stat=ierr)
   if ( call io_abort('Error deallocating new_b in pair_pot_deallocate')
end if
if (allocated(pair_pot%new_s)) then
   deallocate(pair_pot%new_s, stat=ierr)
   if ( call io_abort('Error deallocating new_s in pair_pot_deallocate')
end if

Initialising variables

We need to be able to set the values for our parameters. For this we need to add an initialisation subroutine. The details can be found in the sample file, available on request. For three-body routines it is necessary to set the pair_pot%three_body flag on initialisation, and also to add a species triplet loop.

Writing the calculation routine

This is the only bit which is down to the the creator to consider how it should be set up. The subroutine should obey the follow:

  • The name of the routine should be pair_pot_<new_potential>

  • The potential should have a header referencing the origin of the potential and the form of the potential.

  • Two-body potentials should obey the following input structure:

    subroutine pair_pot_new(pair_pot, rij, mod_rij_2, ispec, jspec[, spins], dfij, de)


    • pair_pot is of type pair_pot_type and contains the initialised parameters of your new potential.

    • rij is of type real(kind=dp) of dimension(3) and is the vector between the two particles.

    • mod_rij_2 is of type real(kind=dp) and is the distance between the two particles.

    • ispec is of type integer and is the species of atom i.

    • jspec is of type integer and is the species of atom j.

    • spins [optional] is of type real(kind=dp) of dimension(4,2) and is the pair of spin vectors of (x, y, z, magnitude)

    • dfij is of type real(kind=dp) of dimension(3) and is the vector force between the two particles.

    • de is of type real(kind=dp) and is the contribution to the total potential energy of the two particles.

  • To reference two-body terms you should use the following syntax:

  • Three-body potentials should obey the following input structure:

    subroutine pair_pot_new(pair_pot, dr, mod_dr_2, rcjk, include_cjk, spec[, spins], dfij, de, stress)


    • pair_pot is of type pair_pot_type and contains the initialised parameters of your new potential.

    • dr is of type real(kind=dp) of dimension(3,3) and is the vectors of the triplet of pairs of particles.

    • mod_dr_2 is of type real(kind=dp) of dimension(3) and is the distance between the triplet of particles.

    • rcjk is of type real(kind=dp) of dimension(3,3) and is the absolute positions of the particles in the cell.

    • include_cjk is of type logical of dimension(3) and is whether the magnitude of distances between particles is less than that of the cut-off.

    • spec is of type integer of dimension(3) and is the species of the particles.

    • spins [optional] is of type real(kind=dp) of dimension(4,3) and is the triplet of spin vectors of (x, y, z, magnitude)

    • dfij is of type real(kind=dp) of dimension(3,3) and is the vector force between the triplet of particles.

    • de is of type real(kind=dp) and is the contribution to the total potential energy of the interactions.

    • stress is of type real(kind=dp) of dimension(6) and is the upper triangle of stress contributions of the particles.

  • To reference three-body terms you should use the following syntax:

    pair_pot%new_s(spec(i_atom), spec(j_atom), spec(k_atom))


If your potential uses spin as part of the force-field these are passed into the calculation routines as a set of 4-vectors (2 for 2-body, 3 for 3-body) where the 4 parameters are the 3 directions and the magnitude.

Adding the contribution

To actually tell the code to calculate the contribution of your potential to the system, we need to add it to the pair_pot_contribution routine, this has the following syntax for two-body potentials:

if (pot_include(pair_pot%new)) then
   call pair_pot_new(pair_pot, rij, mod_rij_2, species(1), species(2), dfij, de)
   e_cont = e_cont + de
   fij(:) = fij(:) + dfij(:)
end if

Three-body potentials are currently trickier and must currently be manually inserted into the loop in pair_pot_calc, there are aims to simplify this in future releases.


We should now be able to activate your potential by adding NEW=T into the devel code block and can set all the parameters just as for other potentials.

To verify that you potential is working as expected, there are several built-in methods to check for developers.

  1. The first is the FD_CHECK devel code which enables finite difference evaluation alongside the potential evaluation and dumps the output to a file <seedname>.fd. It aso prints warnings if the analytic and finite difference derivatives do not match. You should verify that the finite difference evaluated forces are the same as the analytic derivative.

  2. The second is the PRINT_POT devel code which evaluates your potential over 1000 evenly spaced points between 0 and your cut-off and dumps the computed forces and energies to a series of files of the form <seedname>_<species_1>_<species_2>_<species_3>_<spin>.pot these are just 3-column tabular data of the form Distance Energy Force ready to be plotted.

  3. Tests should be added to the test suite to compute the value of your new potential at known points.