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This guide introduces the concepts, keywords and techniques needed to set up and run CASTEP calculations of lattice dynamics and vibrational spectroscopy. The material covers the various lattice-dynamical and related methods implemented in CASTEP, how to set up a calculation, and presents simple examples of the major types of calculation. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the general CASTEP input and output files and keywords to the level which may be found at It describes how to analyse the results and generate graphical output using the CASTEP tools, but does not cover the modelling of IR, Raman or inelastic neutron or X-ray spectra, which are large subjects and beyond the scope of this document.

It does not describe the compilation and installation of CASTEP and its tools, nor does it describe the operational details of invoking and running CASTEP. Computational clusters, HPC computing environments and batch systems vary to a considerable degree, and the reader is referred to their cluster or computer centre documentation. It does discuss general aspects of managing and running large phonon calculations including restarts and parallelism in section [large-calculations].

There are many useful textbooks on the theory of vibrations in crystals, or lattice dynamics as the subject is usually known. A good beginner’s guide is “Introduction to Lattice Dynamics” by Martin Dove (Dove 1993). More advanced texts are available by Srivistava (Srivastava 2023), Maradudin (Maradudin and Horton 1980) and many others. The following section presents only a brief summary to introduce the notation.

Theory of Lattice Dynamics

Consider a crystal with a unit cell containing N atoms, labelled \kappa, and a labels the primitive cells in the lattice. The crystal is initially in mechanical equilibrium, with Cartesian co-ordinates R_{{\kappa,\alpha}}, (\alpha=1..3 denotes the Cartesian x,y or z direction). {{\mathbf{u}}_{{\kappa,\alpha},a}}= x_{{\kappa,\alpha,a}} - R_{{\kappa,\alpha,a}} denotes the displacement of an atom from its equilibrium position. Harmonic lattice dynamics is based on a Taylor expansion of total energy about structural equilibrium co-ordinates.   

E = E_0 + \sum_{{\kappa,\alpha,a}} \frac{\partial E}{\partial{{\mathbf{u}}_{{\kappa,\alpha},a}}}.{{\mathbf{u}}_{{\kappa,\alpha},a}}+ {\frac{1}{2}} \sum_{{\kappa,\alpha,a},{\kappa^\prime,\alpha^\prime},a^\prime} {{\mathbf{u}}_{{\kappa,\alpha},a}}.{\Phi^{\kappa,\kappa^\prime}_{\alpha,\alpha^\prime}(a,a^\prime)}. {{\mathbf{u}}_{{\kappa^\prime,\alpha^\prime},a^\prime}}+ ...

where {{\mathbf{u}}_{{\kappa,\alpha},a}} is the vector of atomic displacements from equilibrium and {\Phi^{\kappa,\kappa^\prime}_{\alpha,\alpha^\prime}(a)} is the matrix of force constants   

{\Phi^{\kappa,\kappa^\prime}_{\alpha,\alpha^\prime}(a)}\equiv {\Phi^{\kappa,\kappa^\prime}_{\alpha,\alpha^\prime}(a,0)}= \frac{\partial^2 E}{\partial {{\mathbf{u}}_{{\kappa,\alpha},a}}\partial {{\mathbf{u}}_{{\kappa^\prime,\alpha^\prime},0}}} \;.

At equilibrium the forces F_{{\kappa,\alpha}} = -\partial E/\partial{{\mathbf{u}}_{{\kappa,\alpha}}} are all zero so the first-order term vanishes. In the Harmonic Approximation the 3^{\text{rd}} and higher order terms are neglected 1. Assume Born von Karman periodic boundary conditions and substitute a plane-wave trial solution

{{\mathbf{u}}_{{\kappa,\alpha}}}= {\mathbf{\varepsilon}_{m{\kappa,\alpha}{\mathbf{q}}}}\exp( i {\mathbf{q}}. {\mathbf{R}}_{{\kappa,\alpha}} - \omega_{m} t)

with a phonon wavevector {\mathbf{q}} and a polarization vector {\mathbf{\varepsilon}_{m{\kappa,\alpha}{\mathbf{q}}}}. This yields an eigenvalue equation   

{D^{\kappa,\kappa^\prime}_{\alpha,\alpha^\prime}(\mathbf{q})}{\mathbf{\varepsilon}_{m{\kappa,\alpha}{\mathbf{q}}}}= \omega_{m,{\mathbf{q}}}^2 {\mathbf{\varepsilon}_{m{\kappa,\alpha}{\mathbf{q}}}}\; .

The dynamical matrix is defined as   

{D^{\kappa,\kappa^\prime}_{\alpha,\alpha^\prime}(\mathbf{q})}= \frac{1}{\sqrt{M_\kappa M_{\kappa^\prime}}} {C^{\kappa,\kappa^\prime}_{\alpha,\alpha^\prime}(\mathbf{q})}= \frac{1}{\sqrt{M_\kappa M_{\kappa^\prime}}} \sum_{a} {\Phi^{\kappa,\kappa^\prime}_{\alpha,\alpha^\prime}(a)} e^{-i \mathbf{q}.{\mathbf{r}}_a}

where the index a runs over all lattice images of the primitive cell. That is, the dynamical matrix is the mass-reduced Fourier transform of the force constant matrix.

The eigenvalue equation [dmat-eigen] can be solved by standard numerical methods. The eigenvalues, \omega_{m,{\mathbf{q}}}^2, must be real numbers because {D^{\kappa,\kappa^\prime}_{\alpha,\alpha^\prime}(\mathbf{q})} is a Hermitian matrix. The vibrational frequencies at each mode \omega_{m,{\mathbf{q}}} are obtained as the square roots, and consequently are either real and positive (if \omega_{m,{\mathbf{q}}}^2 > 0) or pure imaginary (if \omega_{m,{\mathbf{q}}}^2 < 0) The corresponding eigenvectors are the polarization vectors, and describe the pattern of atomic displacements belonging to each mode.

The central question of ab-initio lattice dynamics is therefore how to determine the force constants {\Phi^{\kappa,\kappa^\prime}_{\alpha,\alpha^\prime}} which are the second derivatives of the total energy with respect to two atomic displacements. The first derivatives are the forces, and may be determined straightforwardly using the Hellman–Feynmann Theorem as the derivative of the quantum mechanical energy with respect to an atomic displacement, \lambda   

\begin{aligned} E &= {\left < \psi \right |}{\hat{H}}{\left | \psi \right >}\qquad \text{with}\qquad {\hat{H}}= \nabla^2 + V_{\text{SCF}}\\ F &= - \frac{dE}{d\lambda} \\ &= - {\left < {\frac{d \psi}{d \lambda}}\right |}{\hat{H}}{\left | \psi \right >}- {\left < \psi \right |}{\hat{H}}{\left | {\frac{d \psi}{d \lambda}}\right >}- {\left < \psi \right |}{\frac{d V}{d \lambda}}{\left | \psi \right >} \; . \end{aligned}

If {\left < \psi \right |} represents the ground state of {\hat{H}} then the first two terms vanish because {\left < \psi \right |}{\hat{H}}{\left | {\frac{d \psi}{d \lambda}}\right >}= \epsilon_n {\left < \psi \right |}{\left | {\frac{d \psi}{d \lambda}}\right >}= 0. Differentiating again yields

\frac{d^2 E}{d \lambda^2} = {\left < {\frac{d \psi}{d \lambda}}\right |}{\frac{d V}{d \lambda}}{\left | \psi \right >}+ {\left < \psi \right |}{\frac{d V}{d \lambda}}{\left | {\frac{d \psi}{d \lambda}}\right >}- {\left < \psi \right |}{\frac{d^2 V}{d \lambda^2}}{\left | \psi \right >}\;.

Unlike equation [hellman] the terms involving the derivatives of the wavefunctions do not vanish. This means that it is necessary to somehow compute the electronic response of the system to the displacement of an atom to perform ab-initio lattice dynamics calculations. This may be accomplished either by a finite-displacement method, i.e. performing two calculations which differ by a small displacement of an atomic co-ordinate and evaluating a numerical derivative, or by using perturbation theory to evaluate the response wavefunction {\frac{d \psi}{d \lambda}}. (In Kohn-Sham DFT, as implemented in CASTEP we actually evaluate the first-order response orbitals.)

Some general references on ab-initio lattice dynamics methods are chapter 3 of ref (Srivastava 2023) and the review paper by Baroni et al.(Baroni et al. 2001).


Geometry Optimisation

A successful phonon calculation almost always requires a preceding geometry optimisation (except for small, high symmetry system where all atoms lie on crystallographic high-symmetry positions and the forces are zero by symmetry). It is not necessary to perform a variable-cell optimisation - the lattice dynamics is well defined at any stress or pressure, and phonons in high-pressure or strained systems are frequently of scientific interest. The two most convenient ways of achieving this are to

  • Set up the phonon run as a continuation of the geometry optimisation by setting the parameters keyword continuation : <geom-seed.check>.

  • Add the keyword write_cell_structure : TRUE to the geometry optimization run and modify the resulting <seedname>-out.cell to use as the input for a new run.

The importance of a high-quality structure optimisation can not be overemphasized - the energy expansion in equation [taylor] makes the explicit assumption that the system is in mechanical equilibrium and that all atomic forces are zero.

This is sufficiently important that before performing a phonon calculation CASTEP will compute the residual forces to determine if the geometry is converged. If any component of the force exceeds geom_force_tol it will print an error message and abort the run. Should a run fail with this message, it may be because the geometry optimisation run did not in fact succeed, or because some parameter governing the convergence (e.g. the cutoff energy) differs in the phonon run compared to the geometry optimisation. In that case the correct procedure would be to re-optimise the geometry using the same parameters as needed for the phonon run. Alternatively if the geometry error and size of the force residual are tolerable, then the value of geom_force_tol may be increased in the .param file of the phonon calculation which will allow the run to proceed.

How accurate a geometry optimization is needed? Accumulated practical experience suggests that substantially tighter tolerances are needed to generate reasonable quality phonons than are needed for structural or energetics calculations. For many crystalline systems a geometry force convergence tolerance set using parameter geom_force_tol of 0.01 eV/Å is typically needed. For “soft” materials containing weak bonds such as molecular crystals or in the presence of hydrogen bonds, an even smaller value is frequently necessary. Only careful convergence testing of the geometry and resulting frequencies can determine the value to use. To achieve a high level of force convergence, it is obviously essential that the forces be evaluated to at least the same precision. This will in turn govern the choice of electronic k-point sampling, and probably require a smaller than default SCF convergence tolerance, elec_energy_tol. See section [convergence] for further discussion of geometry optimisation and convergence for phonon calculations.

If a lattice dynamics calculation is performed at the configuration which minimises the energy the force constant matrix {\Phi^{\kappa,\kappa^\prime}_{\alpha,\alpha^\prime}} is positive definite, and all of its eigenvalues are positive. Consequently the vibrational frequencies which are the square roots of the eigenvalues are real numbers. 2 If on the other hand the system is not at a minimum energy equilibrium configuration {\Phi^{\kappa,\kappa^\prime}_{\alpha,\alpha^\prime}} is not necessarily positive definite, the eigenvalues \omega_{m,{\mathbf{q}}}^2 may be negative. In that case the frequencies are imaginary and do not correspond to a physical vibrational mode. For convenience CASTEP prints such values using a a minus sign “-”. These are sometimes loosely referred to as “negative” frequencies, but bear in mind that this convention really indicates negative eigenvalues and imaginary frequencies. 3

Use of Symmetry

CASTEP lattice dynamics uses symmetry to reduce the number of perturbation calculations to the irreducible set, and applies the symmetry transformations to generate the full dynamical matrix. Combined with the usual reduction in k-points in the IBZ, savings in CPU time by use of crystallographic symmetry can easily be a factor of 10 or more. It is therefore important to maximise the symmetry available to the calculation, and to either specify the symmetry operations in the .cell file using the %block SYMMETRY_OPS keyword or generate them using keyword symmetry_generate.

CASTEP generates the dynamical matrix using perturbations along Cartesian X, Y and Z directions. To maximise the use of symmetry and minimise the number of perturbations required, the symmetry axes of the crystal or molecule should be aligned along Cartesian X, Y, and Z. If the cell axes are specified using %block LATTICE_ABC, CASTEP attempts to optimally orient the cell in many cases, but if using %block LATTICE_CART it is the responsibility of the user. This is one of the few cases where the absolute orientation makes any difference in a CASTEP calculation. An optimal orientation will use the fewest perturbations and lowest CPU time and will also exhibit best convergence with respect to, for example electronic k-point set.

Phonon calculations should normally be set up using the primitive unit cell. As an example the conventional cell of a face-centred-cubic crystal contains four primitive unit cells, and thus four times the number of electrons and four times the volume. It will therefore cost 16 times as much memory and 16 times the compute time to run even the SCF calculation. CASTEP’s symmetry analysis will print a warning to the .castep file if this is detected. A further reason to work with the primitive cell is that CASTEP defines its phonon {\mathbf{q}}-point parameters with respect to the actual simulation cell, and so a naive attempt to specify {\mathbf{q}}-point paths would result in output for a folded Brillouin-Zone, which is unlikely to be what is desired. Most input structure-preparation tools like c2x or cif2cell are capable of conversion between conventional and primitive cells.

There is a further consideration related to symmetry; structure, cell and atomic co-ordinates must be specified to a reasonably high accuracy in the input files. CASTEP uses stochastic methods to analyse the effect of symmetry operations on the dynamical matrix, and this analysis can fail to detect symmetries or otherwise misbehave unless symmetry operations, lattice vectors and atomic co-ordinates are consistent to a reasonable degree of precision. It is recommended that symmetry-related lattice vectors and internal co-ordinates are consistent to at least 10^{-6}Å  which can only be achieved if the values in the .cell file are expressed to this number of decimal places. This is particularly significant in the case of trigonal or hexagonal systems specified with %block LATTICE_CART where equality of the a and b cell vector lengths is only as precise as the number of significant figures used to represent the components.

Two features of CASTEP’s .cell file input may be helpful. First is the ability to input cell vectors and atomic positions using (a limited set of) mathematical syntax. See figure [example-gamma] for an example. Second, if the cell file keyword snap_to_symmetry is present, CASTEP will adjust co-ordinates and vectors to satisfy symmetry to high precision.

Alternatively there is a utility program in the academic distribution named symmetry_snap which implements the same functionality. This is invoked simply as

symmetry_snap seedname

which reads seedname.cell and outputs the symmetrised version to seedname-symm.cell

  1. Thus the harmonic approximation is noticeably in error for very asymmetric potentials, which for examplein the worst cases can lead to disagreement with experimental frequencies of up to 5% for the librational modes of small molecular crystals, or OH bonds. It also neglects phonon-phonon interactions and therefore does not predict any intrinsic line broadening. 

  2. Beware of the tempting but incorrect assumption that a CASTEP geometry optimisation is sufficient to find the true minimum-energy configuration of the atoms. Any such geometry optimization can only yield the minimum subject to the constraints imposed; in most cases by crystallographic symmetry and in all cases by the lattice repeat symmetry of the unit cell. The true system may be able to lower its energy further, but only by breaking the symmetry or lattice constraint. In such cases there will be an imaginary frequencies corresponding to any such possibility. 

  3. This apparent problem may be turned to a positive advantage. A lattice dynamics calculation can be used as a test whether a purported equilibrium crystal structure really is dynamically stable. The presence of imaginary frequencies anywhere in the Brillouin Zone would indicate that the structure is unstable to a distortion along the corresponding eigenvector. Another occasion would be to investigate a transition state. By definition a transition state geometry is at a stationary saddle point of the energy hypersurface and must therefore exhibit precisely one imaginary frequency. A final example is the case of a system exhibiting a “soft-mode” phase transition where the frequency at the Brillouin-zone boundary decreases to zero, indicating that the crystal could lower its energy by doubling of the corresponding unit cell parameter. It is often useful to explore how the frequency approaches zero as some external variable such as pressure or lattice constant is varied, in order to precisely locate the phase transition. Reference (Pallikara et al. 2022) discusses the physical significance of imaginary phonon modes in some details and with examples.