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Using the trace module

The trace module provides functionality useful to developers for debugging and profiling particular sections of castep. It is common practice to put calls to trace_entry and trace_exit at the beginning and end of function calls in castep, but the reasoning why may be unclear.

The primary reason for most users is that when castep performs an io_abort, it first calls into trace on each process to dump the current trace stack to the <seedname>.<process_id>.err files. This is the main error message people see when castep fails.

This document sets out to explain in more detail, the usage of the trace module and how and why it benefits developers.

The trace module

Tracing code

Trace Blocks

The trace module provides a number of functions which are helpful in debugging and profiling code. The key functions in trace for general usage are trace_entry and trace_exit which should be used in all major functions. This makes it so the subprogram is logged in tracing.


The trace_entry and trace_exit routines do have an associated cost, and therefore for short routines called very frequently (e.g. functions in loops) it can be a bad idea for performance to trace these routines.

The syntax for trace_entry is:

call trace_entry(block_name, success[, profile][, class])

  • block_name - character, intent(in) - is the name of the entry in the trace.
  • success - integer, intent(out) - is the return status of the function, 0 if successful.
  • profile - logical, intent(in) - whether to profile this block
  • class - character, intent(in) - is the profile class for the purposes of profclass enabling profiling.

The syntax for trace_exit is:

call trace_exit(block_name, success)


  • block_name - character, intent(in) - is the name of the entry in the trace.
  • success - integer, intent(out) - is the return status of the function, 0 if successful.


trace_entry and trace_exit subroutines can be called around any arbitrary blocks of code. This makes it possible to narrow down failing points, but not only that, they can be used to profile sections of code where performance is falling below expectations.

Trace Sections

It is possible to mark a section of a code as a sub-element of a trace-block rather than a block in its own right. These can also have extra arguments passed through to log parameters at certain stages.

The syntax for trace_section is:

call trace_section_entry(section_name[, variable_name, value], success[, class])

  • section_name - character, intent(in) - is the name of the entry in the trace.
  • variable_name - character, intent(in) - is the logging name to be attached to the section in the trace output
  • value - integer|character, intent(in) - is the current value of the variable to be logged. value can either be an integer or character(len=63)
  • success - integer, intent(out) - is the return status of the function, 0 if successful.
  • class - character, intent(in) - is the profile class for the purposes of profclass enabling profiling.

The syntax for trace_exit is:

call trace_section_exit(block_name, success)


  • block_name - character, intent(in) - is the name of the entry in the trace.
  • success - integer, intent(out) - is the return status of the function, 0 if successful.


The trace stack is built up from the trace_entry and trace_exit routines which keep track of where the code is currently executing. This is why it is recommended that all major routines (where possible, see note above) begin and end with a trace_entry, trace_exit.

Tracing can also be used to dump information to a logging file whenever a trace_entry/trace_exit call is hit. This is done using:

call trace_set_debug(.true.)

It is then possible to check within a module whether trace debugging is on using:

if (trace_debug_is_on()) then
end if


Trace also provides profiling functionality timing the duration between any entry & exit. Timing can be enabled through setting the relevant prof or profclass devel codes to true (see: below).

It is also possible to enable profiling globally using:

class trace_set_profile(.true.)

And subsequently disable it in a similar way:

class trace_set_profile(.false.)

The trace module tracks a number of useful profiling factors including time spent in function, call counts, and time per call.

Devel Codes

The trace module has several functions which can be enabled by devel codes.

  • FULL_TRACE - logical - Enable full profiling for all modules including the trace module itself.
  • TRACE - logical - Enable automated dumping of function calls to the profiling filed
PROF block

Enables timing for the castep.

# Prints profiling information for the whole run
# i.e. how long is spent in each subroutine.
%block devel_code
%endblock devel_code

List of "classes" to be matched against trace classes (see: trace_entry), to enable profiling for certain groups of operations.

%block devel_code
%endblock devel_code

will print a table of the total time spent in routines labelled with a particular class.

This will produce an output like:

Class of operation                  Time spent
FFT                                     1.41s
ORTHOGONALISATION                       0.05s


For PROF:<stuff>:ENDPROF and PROFCLASS:<stuff>:ENDPROFCLASS there must be no whitespace in the devel_code before or after the colon (:) character, i.e PROF:wave:ENDPROF and not PROF: wave :ENDPROF

Dumping info

It is possible to dump the info in the tracing at any time. In order to get all information including timings, calls, etc. you can call trace_output as follows:

call trace_output(out_unit, success, order)


  • out_unit - integer, intent(in) - Fortran file unit to write to
  • success - integer, intent(out) - is the return status of the function, 0 if successful.
  • order - character, intent(in) - Order in which to dump trace, must be one of:

    • L - Order they were (first) added to trace.
    • T - Descending order of total time spent in function.
    • C - Descending order of number of calls.
    • P - Descenging order of time per call.

It is also possible to quickly dump the current trace call stack. This is done as follows:

call trace_log_output(out_unit, success)


  • out_unit - integer, intent(in) - Fortran file unit to write to
  • success - integer, intent(out) - is the return status of the function, 0 if successful.

Output format

If any of the TRACE, FULL_TRACE or PROF devel_codes are present, or a call is made to trace_output, CASTEP writes a table of calls to each subroutine in (something similar to) the following format:

| o-- list of parent routines
|  /
| O->name of subroutine
|  /
| --o-> list of child routines

The list of parent routines has information on the number of calls this parent routine calls this current routine.

The subroutine of interest has information on how many times in total it was called.

The list of child routines has a list of how many times a particular child routine was called from the subroutine of interest.

If profiling is on, for all or some of the routines, there is an additional column for number of times the routine was profiled and a total time spent in each routine.

Logging Files

By default, CASTEP creates <seedname>.<process_id>.profile files to log trace information.