Elastic Constants
Andrew Walker (building on work by Dan Wilson) provides some python scripts for calculating elastic constants using CASTEP, available from https://github.com/andreww/elastic-constants. The tool comes in two parts - first is generate_strain.py, this takes the results of a successful variable cell geometry optimisation and creates a set of input files to be run through CASTEP. The second part is elastics.py, which takes the CASTEP results and constructs the matrix of elastic constants, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratios and bulk and shear moduli. Usage information for each script can be obtained by using the --help option.
For this exercise we will use rutile - titanium dioxide. Below are example .cell
and .param
files to start from. It is assumed that the scripts generate_strain.py
and elastics.py
are in your PATH and that python is installed.
%BLOCK lattice_cart
4.594 0.000 0.000
0.000 4.594 0.000
0.000 0.000 2.959
%ENDBLOCK lattice_cart
%BLOCK positions_frac
Ti 0.000 0.000 0.000
Ti 0.500 0.500 0.500
O 0.305 0.305 0.000
O -0.305 -0.305 0.000
O 0.805 0.195 0.500
O -0.805 -0.195 0.500
%ENDBLOCK positions_frac
kpoint_mp_grid 3 3 3
task : geometryoptimisation
cutoff_energy : 700 eV
xc_functional : PBE
max_scf_cycles : 100
calculate_stress : true
opt_strategy : speed
num_dump_cycles : 0
Task 1: Perform a variable cell geometry optimisation and make sure to include calculate_stress : true in your param file. Test the kinetic energy cut-off and k-point grid such that the stress is converged to within the default geom_stress_tol value. (Hint: Use CASTEP's built-in help utility to find the default.)
Task 2: Use the
script to generate a set of .cell files deformed according to the appropriate strain pattern. The commandgenerate_strain.py TiO2
should be sufficient. You should now have twelve (in this case) sets of input files - individual .cell files and corresponding.param
, symbolically linked to the originalTiO2.param
file. Notice that the new .cell files all have theFIX_ALL_CELL true
option set. -
Task 3: Run CASTEP on each of the 12 sets of input files. Note that the cell distortions can break the symmetry of the crystal, hence changing the number of k-points in the symmetry reduced sample. The
option of CASTEP can be used to do a quick check for how many k-points are required. This can help when selecting how many cores to run the calculation on if you are running CASTEP in parallel. -
Task 4: Run the
script to obtain the elastic constants. The commandelastics.py TiO2
will print the results to the terminal. The--latex
option generates a LaTeX formatted summary of the results and the--graphics
option produces a graphical representation of the stress-strain fits in a .png file. -
Task 5: Investigate how the results and their errors change with smaller values of the
parameter. Also investigate the effect of changing the--strain
option togenerate_strain.py
. Move any old*cij*.castep
files to another directory - theelastics.py
script only checks the first set of data in a concatenated.castep