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Phonon calculations even on small crystalline systems typically require many times the CPU resources of a ground state calculation. DFPT calculations of phonon dispersion compute dynamical matrices at a number of phonon wavevectors, each of which contains calculations of several perturbations. Each perturbation will typically require a large k-point set due to symmetry breaking by the perturbation. If the supercell method is used, converged calculations require a system of a typical size of a few hundred atoms, and many perturbations, although the k-point set used is smaller. Consequently, calculations on systems of scientific interest frequently require departmental, university or national-level supercomputing facilities, usually parallel cluster class machines.

Much of the advice for effective use of cluster or supercomputer class resources is the same as for ground-state or other types of CASTEP calculations, but there are a few special considerations for phonon calculations, set out below. Among the particularly relevant general items are the choice of memory/speed tradeoff; usually the best approach is to select the highest speed option opt_strategy_bias : 31 which retains wavefunction coefficients in memory rather than paging to disk. For large calculations it is very frequently the case that that the memory requirement (in particular of the wavefunctions) is the most important consideration in choosing a parallel distribution. If a run fails due to exceeding the available memory per node, the processor count requested should be increased to distribute the wavefunction arrays across a larger set of processors, reducing the memory/processor requirement.

If increasing the degree of parallel distribution is not possible, opt_strategy_bias can be reduced to 02, which will page wavefunctions to disk. In that case it is vital to ensure that the temporary scratch files are written to high-speed disk (either local or a high-performance filesystem). This is usually controlled by setting the environment variable CASTEP_PAGE_TMPDIR to point to a directory on an appropriate filesystem3.

Parallel execution

CASTEP implements a parallel strategy based on a hierarchical distribution of wavefunction data by k-points, plane-waves, bands and OpenMP across processors4. In a phonon calculation this is used to speed up the execution within each perturbation and q-point which are still executed serially in sequence. Normally an efficient distribution is chosen automatically providing that the data_distribution parameter is not changed from the default value MIXED.

K-points, plane-wave, band and task farm parallelism are all implemented using the Message-Passing Interface (MPI) system, and CASTEP must usually be launched by starting the executable using the mpiexec or similar commands, viz

mpiexec -n 1024 castep.mpi <seedname>

which will start 1024 MPI processes and distribute the calculation across them.

By contrast OpenMP parallelism is is activated by setting the environment variable CASTEP_NUM_THREADS : <n>, which may be done before the mpiexec command to activate hybrid MPI+OpenMP mode.

k-point and g-vector parallelism

To best exploit the k-point component of the parallel distribution, the total number of the processors requested should be a multiple of the number of electronic k-points or have a large common divisor. The parallel distribution is printed to the .castep file, where in this example four k-points are used:

Calculation parallelised over   32 nodes.
K-points are distributed over    4 groups, each containing    8 nodes.

For non-phonon CASTEP calculations it is sufficient to choose a processor count which is a multiple of N_{\text{k}}, and that the degree of plane-wave-parallelism is not so large that efficiency is lost. However the choice of processor number in a phonon calculation is severely complicated by the fact that the number of electronic k-points in the irreducible Brillouin Zone changes during the run as the perturbations and phonon q-points have different symmetries. It is not convenient to compute the number for any perturbation individually without a detailed analysis, and some compromise between all of the perturbations should be chosen. To assist in this choice a utility program, phonon_kpoints is provided. This reads the configuration of the proposed calculation from the .cell file and is simply invoked by

phonon_kpoints seedname

It then determines and prints the k-point counts, and provides a “figure of merit” for a range of possible processor counts. On most parallel architectures the efficiency of the plane-wave parallelism becomes unacceptable if there are fewer than around 200 plane-waves per node. It is usually possible to choose a processor count which allows a highly parallel run while keeping the number of plane-waves per node considerably higher than this.

band parallelism

From CASTEP version 24.1 band parallelism is implemented for FD calculations, but not yet DFPT. This may be enabled using a “devel-code” string in the .param file5

%endblock DEVEL_CODE

will attempt to set up 8-way band parallelism in addition to k-point and g-vector.

perturbation parallelism

From CASTEP release 24.1, a further level of parallelism called task-farming may be used to distribute perturbations across processors. This is set up and run in the same manner as for PIMD or NEB calculations by setting parameters file keyword num_farms : <n>. The value of n should not be too large, as the performance will be limited by load-balance issues, and in any case never greater than the number of perturbations. This will produce n output files named


instead of the usual, single .castep file. Of these, <seedname>_farm001.castep will contain the calculated final frequencies, Born effective charges etc. but a single instance of the .phonon, .efield, .phonon_dos and .check files are written as with other parallel schemes.

hybrid OpenMP parallelism

In addition to the above-described parallel distribution strategies - all based on MPI parallelism, CASTEP also offers a degree of OpenMP parallelism6. This can speed up some operations such as matrix diagonalisations and is activated by setting the environment variable CASTEP_NUM_THREADS : <n> where n in the range 2-16 is most effective (only a modest speed-up is accessible using OpenMP). However this can give a useful gain in addition to MPI parallelism especially in the case where compute nodes must be underpopulated because of memory requirements.

Checkpointing and Restarting

Even with a parallel computer, it is frequently the case that a calculation can not be completed in a single run. Many machines have a maximum time limit on a batch queue which may be too short. On desktop machines, run time may be limited by reliability and uptime limitations. CASTEP is capable of periodically writing “checkpoint” files containing a complete record of the state of the calculation and of restarting and completing a calculation from such a checkpoint file. In particular dynamical matrices from complete q-points, and partial dynamical matrices from each perturbation are saved and can be used in a restart calculation. To enable the writing of periodic checkpoint files, set the parameter

backup_interval 3600

which will write a checkpoint file named seedname.check every hour (the time is specified in seconds) or on completion of the next perturbation thereafter. To restart a calculation, set the parameter

continuation : default

in the .param file before resubmitting the job. This will attempt to read seedname.check and restart the calculation from there. Alternatively the full filename of a checkpoint file may be given as argument to the continuation keyword to read an explicitly named file.

At the end of the calculation a checkpoint file seedname.check is always written. As with the intermediate checkpoint files this contains a (now complete) record of the dynamical matrices or force constant matrix resulting from phonon calculation. This may be analysed in a post-processing phase using the phonons utility.

  1. equivalent to opt_strategy : SPEED 

  2. equivalent to opt_strategy : MEMORY 

  3. If CASTEP_PAGE_TMPDIR is not set, the code falls back to the value of CASTEP_TMPDIR

  4. k-points, plane-waves, bands correspond to indices of the wavefunction data, so parallelism in any of these will distribute the wavefunctions across MPI processes and reduce the memory/process requirement. 

  5. This activation mechanism will be replaced by a “first-class” parameter to set parallelism in future releases of CASTEP. N.B. DEVEL_CODE is the only %block allowed in the .param file. 

  6. See eCSE report for a description of the implementation and benchmark results