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The cell and param file keywords used specifically for phonon and related calculations are listed here alphabetically with brief descriptions.

CELL file keywords


List of phonon wavevectors on the fine grid (Block)
Phonon frequencies are calculated on a coarse set of wavevectors using DFPT and interpolated onto this finer list of points.


Fine MP-grid of phonon wavevectors (Integer Vector)
Phonon frequencies are calculated on a coarse set of wavevectors using DFPT and interpolated onto this finer grid of wavevectors.


Origin offset of the fine phonon MP grid (Real Vector)
The offset of the fine MP grid at which the phonons calculated using DFPT are interpolated.


The spacing of points on the fine MP set for phonons (Physical)
This specifies the minimum spacing between points on a Monkhorst-Pack grid that phonons will be interpolated onto from the coarser phonon grid.


Path of phonon wavevectors on a fine scale (Block)
Phonon frequencies are calculated on a coarse set of wavevectors using DFPT and interpolated onto this finer path.


The fine spacing of points on a path at which phonons are calculated (Physical)
The spacing of k-points along a path (specified by PHONON_FINE_KPOINT_PATH) at which phonons will be interpolated from a coarser grid


Phonon gamma-point LO/TO splitting (Block)
This is a list of directions along which {\mathbf{q}}\rightarrow 0 will be calculated for the non-analytic LO/TO term in a phonon calculation at {\mathbf{q}}=0. Fractional coordinates must be used. Default value: The k-point before gamma in the k-point list, or the one after or (0.1, 0, 0)


Alias for PHONON_KPOINT_LIST (Block)
Default value: Determined from PHONON_KPOINT_LIST


Alias for PHONON_KPOINT_PATH (Block)
Default value: Determined from PHONON_KPOINT_PATH


Default value: Determined from PHONON_KPOINT_PATH_SPACING


List of phonon k-points (Block)
A list of discrete k-points at which phonon frequencies and eigenvectors will be calculated. Default value: SCF k-points are used if an alternative PHONON_KPOINT_* specifier is not given.


Phonon wavevector Monkhorst-Pack grid (Integer Vector)
The phonon wavevectors defined by a Monkhorst-Pack grid. Symmetry (if specified) will be used to generate the wavevector list and weights.


Phonon wavevector Monkhorst Pack grid offset (Real Vector)
The offset of the origin of the Monkhorst-Pack set for phonons in fractional coordinates, or the keyword INCLUDE_GAMMA. Default value: INCLUDE_GAMMA


Phonon wavevector Monkhorst-Pack grid density (Physical)
The density of wavevectors on a a Monkhorst-Pack grid for phonon calculations. Units of inverse length should be specified. Default value: 0.1 A^{-1}.


Phonon dispersion k-point path (Block)
The path continuous through the BZ on which phonon dispersion is calculated. This is specified in fractional coordinates. Default value: None.


Phonon dispersion path spacing (Physical)
The maximum spacing between kpoints along the path specified by PHONON_KPOINT_PATH. Units of inverse length must be specified. Default value: 0.1 A^{-1}.


Supercell matrix for finite difference phonon calculations (Block)
The supercelling matrix for force constant matrix calculations. The supercell matrix is specified by a 3x3 integer matrix which gives the supercell used in finite-difference phonon calculations.


SCF k-points for FD phonon supercell (Block)
A list of k-points in the Brillouin zone (with associated weights) used for BZ integration during a supercell FD phonon calculation. The k-point weights must sum to 1. Default value: Generated from SUPERCELL_KPOINTS_MP_SPACING and the crystal symmetry.


SCF Monkhorst-Pack grid for FD phonon supercell calculation (Integer Vector)
The k-points defined by a Monkhorst-Pack grid when doing a finite displacement phonon calculation. Symmetry (if specified) will be used to generate the k-point list and weights. Default value: Generated from SUPERCELL_KPOINTS_MP_SPACING.


SCF Monkhorst Pack grid offset for a FD phonon supercell calculation (Real Vector)
The offset of the origin of the Monkhorst-Pack set in fractional coordinates when performing a finite displacement phonon calculation. Default value: (0, 0, 0).


SCF Monkhorst-Pack grid density for FD phonon supercell calculation (Physical)
The k-point density of a Monkhorst-Pack grid for a supercell FD phonon calculation. Units of inverse length should be specified. Default value: 0.1 A^{-1}.

PARAM file keywords


md/geom iterations between backups (Integer)
Specifies the number of iterations between backups of all data for restarts, for a geometry optimization or molecular dynamics run. Allowed values: (any integer) > 0 Default value : 5


seconds between backups (Integer)
Specifies the interval, in seconds, between backups of all data for restarts, for a geometry optimization/molecular dynamics/phonon run - if less than or equal to zero then no timed backups. Allowed values: (any) Default value : 0


enforce Born charge sum rule (Logical)
Selects whether to explicitly correct the Born effective charge tensor to enforce the sum rule that effective charges sum to zero.


calculate Born effective charges (Logical)
Selects whether to compute Born effective charge tensors as part of a phonon or E-field linear-response calculation. Allowed values: TRUE or FALSE Default value : TRUE


calculate Raman intensities (Logical)
Selects whether to compute Raman intensities as part of a phonon or E-field linear-response calculation. Allowed values: TRUE or FALSE Default value : FALSE


calculate zero-frequency permittivity (Logical)
Specifies whether or not to compute the zero-frequency dielectric permittivity based on the ionic response to electric fields. This requires a gamma-point phonon calculation in addition to the EFIELD linear response one. Allowed values: TRUE or FALSE Default value : TRUE


calculate non-linear optical susceptibility (String)
Select which non-linear optical property to calculate during TASK=EFIELD calculation. Allowed values: NONE, CHI2 Default value : NONE


convergence tolerance window in EFIELD (Integer)
The LR convergence criteria must be met for EFIELD_CONVERGENCE_WIN iterations before acceptance. Allowed values: (any integer) \ge 2 Default value : 2


E-field DFPT solver method (String)
Selects the solver for E-field density functional perturbation theory.. Allowed values: ALLBANDS(=VARIATIONAL) or DM(=GREEN) to select Gonze variational or Baroni Green function with DM solver. Default value : ALLBANDS


E(2) convergence tolerance in EFIELD (Physical)
Tolerance for accepting convergence of the field constants during PHONON calculation. The difference between max and min E(2) values over EFIELD_CONVERGENCE_WIN iterations must be less than this. NB This is an INTENSIVE parameter and has units of volume. Allowed values: (any) > 0.0 Default value : 10^{-5} A^3


Spacing of frequencies in permittivity calculation (Physical)
Spacing of frequencies in calculation of frequency-dependent permittivity. Allowed values: (any) > 0.0 Default value : 1.0 cm^{-1}


Ignore lowest modes in permittivity calculation (String)
Ignore the lowest lying (3,5,6) modes when computing the ionic contribution to the permittivity and polarizability. Allowed values: CRYSTAL, MOLECULE, LINEAR_MOLECULE Default value : CRYSTAL


max. number of cg steps in EFIELD (Integer)
The maximum number of conjugate gradient steps in EFIELD calculation before performing a SD reset. Allowed values: (any integer) \ge 0 Default value : 0


maximum cycles in EFIELD (Integer)
The maximum number of SCF cycles in EFIELD calculation regardless of convergence. Allowed values: (any integer) > 0 Default value : 50


Q-factor for line-shape broadening (Real)
Oscillator Q-factor for line-shape broadening in calculation of frequency- dependent permittivity. Allowed values: (any) > 0.0 Default value : 50.0


unit of electric field in output (String)
Controls the units used for all electric field in output - many different units are supported. Default value : eV/A/E


treatment of metals or finite temperature insulator (String)
The treatment of metals or finite temperature insulator to be used. An alias for METALS_METHOD. Allowed values: NONE (=ALLBANDS), DM, EDFT Default value : DM


“scissors” operator band-gap correction (Physical)
Effectively adds an offset to conduction-band eigenvalues as empirical correction for LDA/GGA underestimation of band-gaps. Allowed values: (any) Default value : 0.0


treat system as an insulator (Logical)
Determines if the system is treated as an insulator or a metal. Allowed values: TRUE or FALSE Default value : FALSE


geometry optimization force convergence tolerance (Physical)
Tolerance for accepting convergence of the maximum |ionic force| during geometry optimization. Allowed values: (any) > 0.0 Default value : 0.05 eV/A


density of states calculation (Logical)
Determines whether or not the phonon density of states will be calculated. Allowed values: TRUE or FALSE Default value : FALSE


density of states calculation (Physical)
The resolution at which a phonon density-of-states will be calculated. Allowed values: (any) > 0.0 Default value : 10.0 cm^{-1}.


density of states calculation (Logical)
The largest phonon to be included in a phonon density-of-states calculation. Allowed values: (any) > PHONON_DOS_SPACING Default value : 5000.0 cm^{-1}.


gamma-point phonon LO/TO correction (Logical)
Selects whether to compute non-analytic contribution to dynamical matrix from long-ranged electric field effects responsible for LO/TO splitting. This requires calculation of the dielectric permittivity by E-field linear-response and the Born effective charges. Allowed values: TRUE or FALSE Default value : TRUE


convergence tolerance window in LR (Integer)
The LR convergence criteria must be met for PHONON_CONVERGENCE_WIN iterations before acceptance. Allowed values: (any integer) \ge 2 Default value : 2


E(2) convergence tolerance in LR (Physical)
Tolerance for accepting convergence of the force constants during PHONON calculation. The difference between max and min E(2) values over PHONON_CONVERGENCE_WIN iterations must be less than this. Allowed values: (any) > 0.0 Default value : 10^{-5} eV/A^2


fine phonon calculation method (String)
Selects which calculation method to use for phonon calculation on a fine grid. Allowed values: NONE, SUPERCELL, INTERPOLATE Default value : SUPERCELL if TASK=THERMODYNAMICS else NONE


finite displacement amplitude (Physical)
The amplitude of the ionic perturbation to be used in a finite displacement phonon calculation. Allowed values: (any) > 0.0 Default value : 0.01 a_0


Cutoff for force constant matrix (Physical)
The cutoff for the force constant matrix in a phonon calculation on a fine grid with supercell method. Allowed values: (any) \ge 0.0 Default value : 0.0


Selects which method to use to extract non-periodic force constant matrix from periodic supercell. (String)
With the CUMULANT method, all contributions from the periodic supercell are summed with a suitable weighting factor to avoid double counting of image contributions.
The SPHERICAL method, uses a minimum image convention with a spherical cutoff given by PHONON_FORCE_CONSTANT_CUTOFF.
Allowed values: CUMULANT and SPHERICAL. Default value : CUMULANT.


Scaling factor for aspherical force constant matrix cutoff (Real)
The range of force constant terms included is up to s times halfway to the Wigner Seitz cell boundary. This parameter supplies the value of s. Allowed values: 0.0 \le (any) \ge 1.0 Default value : 0.0


Ellipsoid size for force constant matrix (Real)


max. number of cg steps in LR (Integer)
The maximum number of conjugate gradient steps in PHONON calculation before performing a SD reset. Allowed values: (any integer) \ge 0 Default value : 0


maximum cycles in LR (Integer)
The maximum number of SCF cycles in PHONON calculation regardless of convergence. Allowed values: (any integer) \ge 0 or if TASK=PHONON etc \ge PHONON_CONVERGENCE_WIN Default value : 50


phonon calculation method (String)
Selects which calculation method to use for phonons. Allowed values: DFPT, LINEARRESPONSE, FINITEDISPLACEMENT Default value : set by PHONON_FINE_METHOD


phonon DFPT solver method (String)
Selects the solver for phonon density functional perturbation theory.. Allowed values: ALLBANDS(=VARIATIONAL) or DM(=GREEN) to select Gonze variational or Baroni Green function with DM solver. Default value : DM if FIX_OCCUPANCY : FALSE, otherwise ALLBANDS


scheme to use in LR (String)
The preconditioning scheme used by the CG minimiser in LR. Allowed values: RTPA, TPA, PS, NONE Default value : TPA


enforce phonon sum rule (Logical)
Selects whether to explicitly correct the dynamical matrix to enforce the acoustic q=0 phonon sum rule, i.e. that 3 modes have zero frequency at q=0. Allowed values: TRUE or FALSE Default value : FALSE


select method to enforce phonon sum rule (String)
Selects a method to use when enforcing acoustic phonon sum rule. Allowed values: NONE : No sum-rule correction will be applied. RECIPROCAL : Correct dynamical matrix D(q) at each q using D(q=0). REALSPACE : Correct the real-space force constant matrix C(R). REAL-RECIP : Correct C(R) in realspace followed by D(q) in reciprocal space. MOLECULAR : Correct D(0) using rotational as well as translational sum-rule. MOLECULAR-1D : Correct D(0) for a linear molecule using rotational as well as translational sum-rule. Default value : RECIPROCAL


reduced or full kpoint set in LR (Logical)
Selects which k-point set to use For each phonon q-vector in LR: T => use the irreducible k-point set of the (reduced) symmetry, F => use the complete fully symmetric k-point set. Allowed values: TRUE or FALSE Default value : TRUE


Write out real-space force constant matrix (Logical)
Selects whether to write out the real-space force constant matrix from a phonon supercell or interpolation calculation (to the <seedname>.castep file) for the case of PHONON_FINE_METHOD /= NONE. Allowed values: TRUE or FALSE Default value : FALSE


Write out reciprocal space dynamical matrix (Logical)
Selects whether to write out the reciprocal space dynamical matrices from a phonon calculation (to the <seedname>.castep file). /= NONE. Allowed values: TRUE or FALSE Default value : FALSE


Number of points in temperature interval (Integer)
The number of points in the temperature interval for the thermodynamics calculation. Allowed values: (any integer) \ge 1 Default value : 2 if THERMO_T_STOP /= THERMO_T_START or 1 otherwise


Temperature spacing (Physical)
The spacing between temperature values for the thermodynamics calculation. Allowed values: (any) > (-epsilon) Default value : THERMO_T_STOP - THERMO_T_START


Starting temperature (Physical)
The desired starting temperature for the thermodynamics calculation. Allowed values: (any) > 0.0 Default value : 298 K


Final temperature (Physical)
The desired final temperature for the thermodynamics calculation. Allowed values: (any) \ge THERMO_T_START Default value : 298