MD Keywords
To perform a molecular dynamics calculation set the task parameter
To control the length of the dynamics simulation
: number of MD steps (default 100)md_delta_t
: MD timestep (default 1fs)
To control the conditions for the dynamics
: Ensemble (NVE, NVT, NPH, NPT, HUG)md_thermostat
: Thermostat to use if not a constant energy ensemble. values: NOSE-HOOVER (default), LANGEVIN, HOOVER-LANGEVINmd_barostat
: Barostat to use if not a constant volume ensemble. Values: ANDERSEN-HOOVER (default), PARRINELLO-RAHMANmd_temperature
: Temperature to use if not a constant energy ensemble
For the Hugoniot Thermostat
: Hugoniostat method. Values: NONE (default), NVHUG, NPHUGmd_hug_dir
: Hugoniostat compression direction. Values: XDIR, YDIR, ZDIR, ISO (default)md_hug_t
: Hugoniostat coupling constant.md_hug_compression
: Hugoniostat compression ratio. Values from 0.0 to 1.0 (default)
Path Integral MD (PIMD)
- MD_NUM_BEADS PIMD number of beads
- MD_PATHINT_INIT PIMD initialisation method
- MD_PATHINT_STAGING PIMD staging modes on/off
- MD_PATHINT_NUM_STAGES PIMD number of stages
Advanced settings
It is possible to change the tolerances for accepting the SCF groundstate during the molecular dynamics run. The default value are those for a single point energy e.g. the default for md_elec_energy_tol
is the value of elec_energy_tol
: MD total energy per atom convergence tolerancemd_elec_eigenvalue_tol
: MD eigenvalue convergence tolerancemd_elec_force_tol
: max force per atom convergence tolerance-
: MD convergence tolerance window -
MD_EQM_METHOD MD enhanced equilibration method
- MD_EQM_ION_T MD equilibration time for ions
- MD_EQM_CELL_T MD equilibration time for cell
- MD_EQM_T MD equilibration time
- MD_ION_T MD characteristic ionic time
MD_CELL_T MD characteristic cell time
MD_CELL_DAMP_RINGING Damp cell ringing mode
- MD_USE_PLUMED Use PLUMED metadynamics