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Style Guide


The CASTEP code has been designed from conception to achieve various goals - including efficiency and maintainability. The following are some simple guidelines on writing code for inclusion within CASTEP. These are intended to enable the writing of correct, efficient code, and to ensure a consistent style for multiple authors throughout the code that is straightforward for others to maintain in the future. Fortran 2003 has been chosen as the language that all the code will be written in, as it has many modern features which enable the writing of clean, modular code without compromising efficiency and portability.

In this document, there is a template for writing modules, and for writing subprograms within a module. These templates are designed to enforce good programming practice and documentation of routine function and side-effects. It is important that all routines be written with these templates. The general guidelines about style addressed here, the use of module templates, the completeness of the documentation, etc. all help to make writing new code and maintaining the existing code a simple task.

It is also the programmer's responsibility to ensure that each routine is coded as efficiently as possible. Whilst it is tempting to use some of the new built-in features of Fortran 2003, experience has shown that discretion is required in their usage so as not to compromise efficiency. Therefore, guidelines on the use of such features has also been included.

CASTEP linter

The CASTEP linter is a Python tool which checks your CASTEP build for any issues related to the CASTEP style. It should be used after making any major modifications.


The linter is also run on the CASTEP CI system and will warn you if any new issues arise from your modifications. Should any new issues be in your PR, it may not be accepted.

Using the CASTEP linter

The linter is available on PyPI and can be installed on your system using pip:

python -m pip install castep-linter

Following the install, it should be possible to run the linter by running:

castep-lint <file>


castep-lint Source/Functional/pair_pot.f90

For further information, type

castep-lint -h

It is also possible to use the CASTEP linter in emacs through a flycheck extension. To use this you must install the flycheck package which can be done through the MELPA emacs package repository.

Writing to the Specification Document

"It does exactly what it says on the tin"

Obviously, it is of paramount importance to make sure that any routine that you are responsible for does exactly what the specification says that it should do, particularly with regard to exit conditions, side-effects, etc.

Routines and variables that are covered by the specification are public whilst other routines and variables are private. The specification says nothing about the rĂ´le or meaning of private routines. Private routines and variables are only accessible within the module in which they occur.

Do not assume anything that is not written in the specification document

If the specification does not say that a particular routine will preserve the input values on exit, then you cannot presume that whoever coded it will do likewise! Even if that routine was written by you...

Similarly, it may seem obvious that a particular variable has a particular meaning, but if it is not defined in the specification, then it cannot be presumed. Future revisions of the code may change non-specified routines freely. If all code sticks to the specification at all times, then maintaining the code is much simpler.

Note that the specification does not say anything about private routines or variables in any module. For this reason, great care must be taken when using such routines. The subprogram template is there to remind you to document all side-effects of each routine!

Code robustly for errors

That is, the user should never see a Fortran run-time error message - your code should check for possible error conditions, and either correct the error or print a nice, meaningful error message and do a graceful exit via io_abort.

Conditions on execution

Conditions given in the specification must be true for correct execution of each routine. Obviously, these should be tested for to ensure correctness, but this may introduce a considerable performance penalty, particularly for Utility or Fundamental routines. For this reason, it is recommended to use a single #ifdef debug block at the start of each routine to test these conditions where appropriate and call io_abort as necessary. The code can then be compiled either with or without full error checking as appropriate.

Errors and Warnings

Use stderr from any node

Unlike normal messages, any node can write an error or warning message. Any such message is to be written to stderr from the relevant node. The routine shall then call io_abort to terminate the program neatly.

Use iprint consistently

Normal output, including warning messages and debugging information, should only by written to stdout by the root node. The level of detail is controlled by the iprint variable:

  • 0 - Minimal output - just the basic parameters controlling the run and the answers!

  • 1 - Default output - breakdown of energies and forces into components, etc. but no debugging output.

  • 2 - Minimal debugging - values of all significant parameters, etc. Not printing all the arrays.

  • 3 - Maximal debugging - the works!

Efficiency Issues


The use of BLAS and LAPACK libraries are recommended, as these are freely available libraries and often come in vendor-optimised versions for each platform. For efficiency, it is also recommended that you do not use BLAS "level 0 routines" as there are little efficiency gains to be made, and the equivalent fortran is often much neater and easier to read.

Fortran array intrinsics

Beware the use of fortran array intrinsics - they can be inefficient and may cause memory problems, e.g. result=matmul(a,matmul(b,c)) requires an implicit dynamic memory allocation. Wherever practical use BLAS instead. Some intrinsics may also impede compiler optimisation, particularly on a vector machine. Similarly, do not use functions such as transfer or mold - these can be very inefficient.

Passing arrays to subprograms

This is a tricky subject, which can easily lead to confusion and inefficient code. The main problem is that there are multiple ways of passing arrays, and these are not in general equivalent!

The best practice is to always pass the whole array together with its size, such as:

call foo(int_array, N1, N2)

subroutine foo(int_array, N1, N2)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: N1, N2
integer, dimension(1:N1, 1:N2) :: int_array

as this does not cause any copying of the array and allows the compiler to do bound-checking etc.

The use of assumed-shape arrays, such as int_array(:, :) is less efficient as this has an explicit rank, but an implicit shape. This requires the use of functions such as size(int_array,1) and may prevent certain compiler optimisations. However, it does allow the compiler to do bound-checking.

Care must be taken in passing the array though. If an array section is to be passed then it is much better to use assumed-size arrays (i.e. the old fashioned way), that is

call foo2(int_array(1, N))

subroutine foo2(int_array)
implicit none
integer, dimension(*) :: int_array

than to pass int_array(:, N) and receive int_array(:) as this will create a copy of the array on the stack which will rapidly lead to "out of memory" errors.

The use of assumed-size arrays, such as int_array(*) is useful if you want to write a general purpose routine that will work with any size and/or rank array. Note however, that it will not in general work with scalars, nor does it allow bounds-checking. However, it does not cause the creation of any copies of the array.

Machine-Specific Code


Write in standard fortran without vendor extensions and without using any system routines wherever possible, for maximum portability. The one exception that is allowed to this is in the Utility modules, where all the low-level input/output and communications are handled.

Test thoroughly to prevent

Always test your routines on several different platforms and with several different compilers to be sure that you have not inadvertently relied upon some default behaviour of one specific compiler. The CI system will handle compilation for all supported compilers once submitted as a merge request into the Bitbucket repository, but these should be performed beforehand to minimise the effort in bugfixing.

File handling

One obvious area of machine dependency is that of file handling. For this reason, the io module should be used to handle the opening of all files. The programmer is responsible for reading / writing the data and closing the file. Files are not to be kept open for any longer than strictly necessary.

Compiler/preprocessor directives

These should be avoided wherever possible as they hinder portability. They should only be used in the Utility modules for machine specific code. All module filenames should be given the extension .f90, with the exception of Utility modules, where .F90 is permitted, but generally only if preproccesing is used.

Fortran90 Features

Use of dynamic arrays

Each routine is responsible for allocating/using/deallocating its own workspace. We recommend that such allocate/deallocates only occur once in a routine - never inside a loop as this will produce a significant performance penalty. You must ensure that you always deallocate local work arrays on termination of the routine. Obviously, care needs to be taken if there are multiple exit points from a routine.


Always accept passed arrays in subprograms as arrays and not as pointers. This will force automatic dereferencing of the array and enable better optimisations by the compiler.

Flow of control

Use of constructs such as select case and do ... end do, with labelling of "do loops", etc. is recommended for clarity. Use of cycle and exit is OK - but only use to move a maximum of one level of nesting where possible. Do NOT use goto.


A function subprogram should be "pure", i.e. generate no side-effects through modification of variables in argument list or module variables through "use association". Avoid recursion.

Use of use

Use modules with an only clause if only a small number of variables required. Put appropriate use statements into each subroutine required, NOT into the module header, in order to keep track of module variable modification.

Line numbers

Avoid where possible. Line numbers are only to be used for format statements, and end= or err= in file handling. Do not use continue.

General features

Avoid multiple statement lines unless trivially simple.



All code is to be contained within modules.


Each module described in the specification is to be one source file. All routines given in the specification for this module are to be in this file.

Auxiliary modules

CASTEP also encourages the use of the more recent (Fortran 2008) submodules. Submodules allow the programmatic subdivision of a module enabling the compiler to precompile interfaces, reduce required compilation if only the submodule has changed and allowing the developer to more effectively control scope of module internals.

For clarity, and to keep the module from being excessively long, the module may also use auxiliary modules, which can be in separate files (again with one file per module). Any auxiliary modules must be used in only one specified module, i.e. no auxiliary code reuse in other specified modules as the auxiliary routines are not specified!

The naming convention of any auxiliary modules is to be inherited from the specified module to make it clear where the auxiliary routines are to be used, e.g. if the specified module is called me.F90 with routines called me_sub, etc. then an auxiliary module would be me_extra.F90 with routines called me_extra_sub, etc.


Rather than using full auxilliary modules in modern CASTEP, submodules are encouraged.

Style and Layout

Use the module template

The module template gives the recommended layout for a module and for a subprogram. This is available in the CASTEP source at Source/template.f90. In particular, note the layout and contents of the comment header, and the order of declarations. Everything is to be private unless explicitly specified as public! This also makes it simple to check the code against the specification.


All code is to use indentation as generated by GNU-Emacs f90-mode. Use any editor you like to create the code, but please ensure that whatever goes into the Bitbucket repository has been passed through Emacs f90-mode indentation at the finished stage. To assist in Emacs usage, the module template contains Emacs directives to set f90-mode, etc.


Use lower case for keywords and use capitalisation as given in the specification for all routines and variables mentioned therein. For private routines and variables use lower case in general. However, you may use upper case to differentiate words within a name, e.g. userInputData - as long as you are consistent throughout the module.

Use upper case, with stripped spaces, for the value of string variables that are passed between routines, e.g. run_type='MOLECULARDYNAMICS' not 'MolecularDynamics' or 'molecular dynamics' etc. to simplify string comparisons.


For clarity, don't change variable name on passing to a different routine wherever possible. Avoid short (1 or 2 letter) variable names except for simple loop counters. Use new form end subroutine name etc. not older form end subroutine.


Do NOT use implicit typing. Similarly, you do not have to stick to the old rules for implicit typing - you can have integer names beginning with "c" etc! Do not give type as double precision - use real(kind=dp) instead, as dp is a constant in the Constants module and this will make porting to other architectures (e.g. Cray) much simpler. Remember that all machine-specific code stays in the Utility routines. Similarly, when declaring a constant, use 1.234_dp NOT 1.234d0.

Free format

Use free-format f90, with a maximum line length of 132 characters.


Use spaces between keywords e.g. end if not endif.

Code cleanly

Obviously, to ensure correctness and make it easier for others to maintain the code. If the obvious way to code a routine is inefficient, whilst the efficient way is obscure, then this is allowed as long as the routine is well documented internally, with a discussion as to the design decisions made.

Be aware of vectorisation

When coding, be aware that the code is almost always executed upon vector architectures. Therefore code with a style that enables good vectorisation - e.g. don't put if statements inside nested loops wherever possible.



Each module, based upon the module template, is to have a header block describing its overall purpose and function.

Each routine, written to the template, is to have a header block describing its function, the variables required and how modified, the necessary conditions for correct operation, etc. These comments should be clear and easy to understand.

Each routine is also to contain lots of comments within the code. Comments are to be either on the same line(s) as the feature being comment upon, or in a block of lines above the feature.

Comment density should be comparable to code density.

All comments are to be in English and obey standard rules of English grammar.


A module (or any modifications) is only considered complete when additional documentation has been supplied for inclusion. Documentation must be provided in the appropriate module and function header blocks, explaining the function of the module and each routine, the physics behind the code, the algorithms used, the key variables and data structures, and appropriate references to the literature.


Test Program

Each module shall be tested for correctness before being added to the Bitbucket repository. To this end a set of tests shall be provided, which must compile and execute correctly in the CI system. The purpose of these tests is to verify the correct operation of every specified routine in the module.

CASTEP uses the testcode testing platform which allows automated generation of benchmark data from a set of valid CASTEP input files.

Please see Testing for more information on how to do this.

Reference data

The module test program shall come with both appropriate input datafiles and reference output results. Correct operation of the test shall be verified by comparing the actual output against the reference output results.

Module Template


Note particularly the order of declaration, use of implicit none and private, and the standard comment header, for internal documentation. All lines in comment headers are to be 80 characters wide. Not all sections of the header will be relevant to all subprograms and so can be deleted. It is very important that the header is kept up-to-date and as complete as possible.

Use of public and private

Each module uses an initial private statement to force all entities in the module to be private by default. Then have explicit public statements to expose those datatypes, variables and (overloaded) routine names, as listed in the specification document. This makes it easy to compare the code to the specification document.


! -*- mode: F90 ; mode: font-lock ; column-number-mode: true ; vc-back-end: git -*-
!                          D U M M Y                                          !
! Overall explanation of purpose and function of module.                      !
!                                                                             !
! Written from  "Module Specification for New Plane Wave Code",  M. Segall,   !
!    P. Lindan, M. Probert, C. Pickard, P. Hasnip, S. Clark and M. Payne      !
!                           Copyright 1999/2000                               !
! Written by author, version, date                                            !
!                                                                             !
!                                                                             !

module dummy
  use constants, only : dp                      !Minimal useage where practical

  implicit none                                 !Impose strong typing
  private                                       !Everything is private ...

  !                       P u b l i c   R o u t i n e s                       !
  public :: routine_name ...                    !... unless exposed here.
  interface routine_name                        !Overloaded routines, etc.
     ...                                        !(specific names are private)
  end interface

  !                        P u b l i c   V a r i a b l e s                    !
  public datatypes ...
  public variables ...

  !                      P r i v a t e   R o u t i n e s                      !

  !                      P r i v a t e   V a r i a b l e s                    !

  datatypes ...                                 !Private data for all routines
  variables ..                                  !in this module ...

  subroutine public1(var1,var2,...)
    ! Explanation of purpose of routine                                       !
    ! ...                                                                     !
    ! Arguments:                                                              !
    !   var1, intent, meaning                                                 !
    ! ...       (in order of call list)                                       !
    ! Parent module variables used:                                           !
    !   globalvar1, meaning                                                   !
    ! ...                                                                     !
    ! Modules used:                                                           !
    !   other_module used,                                                    !
    !   other_vars, meanings, changes                                         !
    ! ...                                                                     !
    ! Key Internal Variables:                                                 !
    !   intvar1, meaning                                                      !
    ! ...                                                                     !
    ! Necessary conditions:                                                   !
    ! ...                                                                     !
    ! Written by author, version, date                                        !
    use my_module, only : some_other_function
    use other_module, only : other_var1
    implicit none

    integer, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: var1        !Variables in call order
    real(kind=dp), intent(in), parameter :: var2
    ... (other variables in call list)

    real(kind=dp) :: my_var1=2.7182818_dp             !base of natural logs
    complex(kind=dp), allocatable, dimension(:) :: my_work1
    ... (other internal variables)

    ... (condition checks)
    ... (actual code)

  end subroutine public1

  ... (other public subroutines)

  subroutine private1(....)
    ! Explanation of purpose of routine                                       !
    ! ...                                                                     !
    ! (etc, as for public routines)                                           !
  end subroutine private1

end module dummy